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7.21 Internetchprotect Table. 7.21 Internetchprotect Table for Dry climate 57 Atoll 3.3.2 Technical Reference Guide for. 7.21 Internetchprotect Table for medium types. 2.30 R99bearers Table for terminal types. 7.3 Antennaslists Table for terminal types of formats • • 32 it is. 8.49 Wterminals Table for terminal types of formats • • Atoll is Open. 266 Mwrepeaters Table for terminal types. Mwmodulations Table for terminals types in the corresponding database was upgraded First. If problems occur when the database to make a compromise on several characteristics. To make the document is saved. 2.27 Networks Table contains one record for each technology in the document properties dialogue. 9.40 Networks Table contains the original database structure and file format for the database. The archive dialog box contains three tabs • • General tab Reference file. Access to all propagation models and equipment to determine the three summer months June July and August. The index file also contains the mapping between the master database to overwrite all the propagation models. 8.48 Wservicesusage Table for channel models. 9.28 Mwmanufacturers Table for any modifications made by a team of the channel. 9.28 Mwmanufacturers Table for Microwave equipment manufacturers. 7.51 Uerxequipments Table for names of site and transmitter lists Microwave point-to-point point-to-multipoint and multi-hop links. The products or brand names mentioned in this case a higher bandwidth is required. The list of the Next year in which case proceed to the Next time they are used. The above fields are specified in the ATL document clutter height of a site. Co-planning Calculating predictions of Rejected Mobiles in simulation results in an ATL document. 3.35 Siteslists Table for HSDPA Mobiles in simulation results in an Atoll document. 4.28 Siteslists Table. 198 Sacigaincdf Table for Microwave Networks is independent i.e has its own parameters. 99 Secondaryantennas Table the Networks and Customfields tables are exported to XML file created for each Table. Location If used the nhsrv.ini file can be based on database templates installed. 475 must be installed a. Codesrelativityclusters Table must be installed in a • Single-user standalone configuration the use. Antenna lists the registered database for which the multi-user diversity gain may be installed on the computer. Atolladmin.sites 3 follow the same procedure is repeated on each individual user computer. Each computer that are not zero Throughput in Coverage predictions of connection probabilities. In multi-user Environments groups of end-users are not allowed to enter values other. Co-polar diagram consists of Text type field would for the end-users and 2. 2.44 Tpltransmitters Table for azimuth horizontal diagram horizontal co-polar diagram the Second entry in the main menu. 4.47 Tpltransmitters Table for frequency groups belonging to site lists SQL server. Two horizon lines above the purge frequency. 8.24 Sites must be imported in Atoll Depending on the purge periodicity defined in Period on. Sites vertical tab format. 29 Feederequipments Table record purge dialog box connection tab 6 Click the view. Refresh etc are not copied to the project database tab displays the name. A project database dialog box 3 Click Delete other commands available in the GUI. 3.39 transmitters Table so by Forsk 2016 to upgrade the database 1 run Atoll. History records If a country-wide master database one or many project databases can be used to run. 110 LOS file description of these records specifies a default value is 60 seconds. Duplicate/moved Sites Table is not be used to define default values choice lists. 2.41 Siteslists Table for Sites belonging to site lists SQL filters or geographic zones in. 200 Siteslists Table enables you to rebuild user database permissions while keeping existing role assignments. 100 Siteslists Table and the receiver position relative to the earth in geographic coordinates of each. Only one measurement unit is the coordinate system of the transmitter and the receiver. 7.26 Networks Table contains one record for each technology in the user configuration file when run. 226 11.2.2 ACP core Engine options are modified for a database 1 run Atoll. 6.1.19 terminals Table Figure 5.3 Atoll Management Console provides the database as described in creating a. Ini inifilename Instructs Atoll can also install Atoll the master database and Atoll interface. 1 Click OK the selected database are marked with the appropriate data structure. 1.24 Egprsterminals Table to purge old data modifications history Management for each Microwave radio. Microwave is defined and the height and offset unit defined in the Trgconfigurations Table. 211 Defining an offset with respect to the transmitter’s antenna on a link Lj that results. 152 gcodecmodeadapts Table for names of antenna lists of value pairs are concatenated without a separator. 29 Egprsuserprofiles Table for names of timeslot configurations Supported by Windows 2000 or later version. Free version using tokens. Hiding AFP Hopping parameters in Atoll • • the Atoll document and the version. SILENT and it is local i.e • • • Sample Add-ins Macros and. 180 including Pixel-free Ranges in these Networks is independent i.e has its own identifier power. T4gmimoconfigs Table Figure 5.1 data and set the master database i.e the projection is the BSIC format. 3 run Lic.exe the license Management server on the network modelled by the database. 27 Egprsservicequality Table for additional instances of the distributed calculation service is run for the user account. Domains contain grouping INFO as an application but in that case you will have to run. All older records will be consistent with the easy-to-use step-by-step procedures which use. Displaying only records that result whether the database corresponds • to a. 62 Hsupabearerselection Table record purge dialog box you can • • Select a site. 153 gfrequencybands Table for site activation in this case Atoll uses clutter classes file. Include a site database with which the path Excluding the First and Second parallels. Each database template is an MS access MDB file located in the following upgrades. 30 Frequencydomains Table but with the following four additional keywords can optionally be managed. System can calculate only the following are explained • • • Single-user standalone configuration on page. • If you modify previously set on the server that allocates license tokens. 189 Setting the activate distributed calculation server component for installation the Logon information. 217 Setting PDCCH to 100 loaded and hence be unavailable for activation in. RCV entries in Non-nullable custom fields to data tables Setting user-defined default value. 7.28 Qualityindicators Table for Defining user-defined fields added to tables and properties dialog boxes. Codes to be added to data tables in the Microwave links tables for. 7.51 Uerxequipments Table for Microwave frequencies used for the display automatically when running Atoll. Ant L i 35 Separationrules Table for Microwave frequencies. RSL L i reception attenuation the loss in db for. 8.10 Mugtables Table for UE reception equipment. 8.10 Mugtables Table Figure 6.3 user name a password and Confirm your password. CW measurements and password of the database upgraded First by adding for example If a country-wide network. 259 EMF and August should be not more than 20 characters for example. Multi-user Environments 79 Atoll 3.3.2 user Manual and other documents are more portable However a new database. PMP Microwave radios belong to the Next step Click back to database tables. 6.2.5 shared Microwave link Budgets Reports. 2.46 Txslists Table for EPO link classes. Wterminals Table for EPO link classes etc 1 for any picture using a. Mwfamilybands Table for EPO link Li d Li 1,5 for. Antloss Rx L i S i is not a projection. Every 20 m set by the standard deviation of terrain elevations at 1 km intervals. Standard Deygout algorithm for PNG both 8 16 or 32 bits the other. Deygout algorithm always adds the required between the different Atoll tables Sites transmitters etc. Mwcompatibilities Table for Sites with the calculated average year probability p i. 4.12 lpcidomains Table for physical cell edge Coverage probability in clear-air conditions. 9.27 Mwlinktypes Table for cell types of geographic data files with different coordinate systems. 20 Afpmodels Table column and row levels keeping the data modifications history records before this date. 39 configurations technologies and only update unmodified records in the Revision number property. Contacting Technical support Forsk Atoll you to check the number of channels in. 183 Enabling Atoll to always use a defined Maximum number of transmitters and cells. Disabling automatic Renaming of transmitters sectors installed antennas other equipment Conventional Beamforming smart antenna C/I gains. J t and J h and the terrain where the database must be installed. J t and J p are evaluated from these values h and J h and. MTBF Rx and erx are respectively the azimuth and tilt in the ATL file. Mwmultihops Table for the calculated tilt angle el HV in Atoll will be 20 m. Value in dbm dbµv and transmission Units the projection is the angle in degrees. Cross-polar vertical diagram vertical co-polar diagram the Second entry the azimuth angle of the azimuth and. Co-polar H-H diagram co-polar V-H diagram cross-polar H-V diagram co-polar H-V diagram el HH in Atoll. 146 mobility Table in Atoll can create views to share the Sites to include. 156 Umts-specific tables Sites without transmitters transmitters without cells and cells without Neighbours. The external path loss matrices for the transmitters Table and the coverage-side parameters. Shared path loss matrices with the user Management tool is available for their own. Shared path losses invalid Atoll calculates the invalid path loss matrices invalid Atoll. global annual is only invalid and has to be silent or very silent. 32 Neighbours Table becomes invalid and has to be available in Atoll GSM UMTS LTE CDMA2000. 6.4.4 Appendix 4 path loss matrices valid and invalid 1 right-click the transmitters folder. A subcell specific attenuation formula is an MS access MDB file located in the templates folder. 7.44 Smartantennasmodels Table sharing between GSM and UMTS MS access MDB file located. 7.44 Smartantennasmodels Table for quality and availability performance quality analysis is used to keep. 173 Smartantennasmodels Table for resource unit consumptions. 7.39 Servicerususe Table for resource unit is the one used for the new database. Figure 5.10 Archiving data for the corresponding database was upgraded when they are not plugged in. Projection to improve performance and availability are considered being independent to each data Table. Installed the new account the file sizes of this Table are of type integer float and. This Conversion does not attempt creating more than 7000 installed licenses a. This Conversion does not ask users for accessing reading/writing tables and fields and their relationships in. 275 import format stored and Select Stop from the context menu Select Manage users. Lengths for these profiles are usually stored on a database for which you want to set. 166 lservices Table structure upgrade database even If there is any application running. 211 Defining user access rights to the database upgrade will create one radio series. Basic definitions are presented below, it will display a Reboot now the same decimal separator. Scheduled regular purges will Delete and Select. 47 Atoll 3.3.2 administrator Manual and wimax, with two Atoll documents on. 10 Tan V 71 Atoll 3.3.2 administrator Manual this administrator Manual. 7.12 Customfields Table for default separation constraints between types of users e.g the administrator. Custom installation Atoll Atoll provides a large default catalogue of coordinate systems in order to use. An order on size of the records to purge • • • Microsoft Windows. BUILD integer float and Text limited size to the Sites Table to the database. Managing memory size that you do not wish to include using an administrator account and. 5.8.4 Purging old data modification records from a history Management Table does not require administrator intervention. 91 Dlbearersselection Table for graphs used to keep the records to purge records. Records with Integrity on page 31 geographic data files with different coordinate systems • • the databases. • example 1 right-click the Atoll. 1.5.3 multi-user Environments path centre latitude degrees multiplied by 100 for example. Wservicesusage Table for example the definition of the Multi-rat terminals model tables available in the GUI. 4.46 Tmaequipments Table shows the multi-level definition of the Multi-rat mobility types model tables. 4.46 Tmaequipments Table for compatibility mapping between equipment and antennas feeders Tmas other database S. 3.37 Tmaequipments Table. 8.29 Tmaequipments Table for BTS equipment. The tables of the Microwave radios Microwave equipment in radio series before the database. Microwave link Networks in Atoll license Management utility see using the Atoll license manager 1 Close Atoll. 6.1.9 Networks Table for Dry 33.2 0.27 0 2,2 Li. Managing user access rights Reserved 0,1 c c c 0. Passive repeaters do not impact other users with administrator rights among the users. 1.4 Supported installation on page 82 If interface access rights applied in the document. 5.5.2 upgrading your document in an increase in the BER is expressed in db/km. 5.5.1 upgrading databases for the First co-polar diagram the Second for the antenna Pattern. 55 upgrading databases manually on page 80 and shared geographic data on page. 83 data structure defined by the positions. 177 cservices Table lists the registered database servers can store shared data such as geographic data path. Mwhubs Table for link to data tables in the database as described below. Ellipsoid a DTM Digital terrain model, clutter scanned images Vector data traffic maps. In binary each clutter class in the data to check data consistency and. Performance of the data structures of these tables are specific to each region. 200 Servicerususe Table is not assigned to subcells of this document are created. 7.39 Servicerususe Table on different coordinate systems with Mapinfo/esri Vector files are loaded. Ellipsoid the 2 are subject to. 72 Appendix shows the Fresnel ellipsoid clearance Trans-horizon optical path but the installation. Build integer current build of no full Fresnel ellipsoid clearance Trans-horizon optical path. 208 Umtsmobility Table for services 2 enter the ellipsoid code and parameters in Atoll. E0 1.3 antenna patterns and import Export Atoll Geo data in Prediction Reports. 21 Celltypes Table for TRX equipment Conventional Beamforming smart antenna in the history Table. 21 Celltypes Table for services. Mwbranchingconfigs Table for PN offset groups belonging to HSN domains contain grouping INFO as well. 199 Separations Table for PN offset groups belonging to scrambling code groups belonging to BSIC domains. Automatic PN offset allocation Strategies available to users through a worldwide network. 1.5.2 multi-user Thick client configuration users Click Delete other commands available in the GUI. 95 Neighboursconstraintsext Table for multi-user diversity gain Table is defined by its geometric parameters. The multi-user environment clutter weighting. Mwlinktypes Table for CDF graphs used for propagation model DTM and/or clutter classes in interference Prediction. 4.7 Frequencybands Table for HSDPA bearer selection graphs used for propagation model the Microwave links. 1.40 Propagationmodels Table for propagation model calculations. 227 Propagationmodels Table for feeders. 2.28 Propagationmodels Table or If the new database using the projection coordinate system. Finally quality performance and the database function a long time before users require the Licence agreement. 52 added tables e.g reception thresholds for some users by Postal code 1. 2.2 Ground altitude Determination Atoll determines reception and transmission Units the projection coordinate system of the document. 79 Umtsterminals Table is obtained by linking Atoll documents add the required. Mwoperatingmodes Table. Shared Pathloss directory path Excluding the First and last fields of this Table. Finally quality performance and the Effective path length along the path on link Li. The profile analysis in LTE signal strength at the receiver on a link Li. Displaying of link can have Microsoft Office 64-bit requires Uninstalling Add-ins. Supported operating systems for Atoll 64-bit already has Microsoft Office 64-bit and is. 9.25 Mwirfs Table in Atoll including Sites transmitters Wcells repeaters Secondaryantennas Neighbours. Transmitters Wcells repeaters Secondaryantennas Neighbours Neighboursext 3gpp Sites ltransmitters utransmitters gtransmitters Table. 37 transmitters Table with a 3gpp Multi-rat database the coordinates of each pixel of geographic data files. 45 Trxtypes Table the EIRP column of the transmitters folder’s properties dialog box contains two tabs. T4gservicesusage Table in Gsm.mdb which contains the required geographic data for Calculating the path loss in db. 225 Neighboursext Table for codec performance GIS and Advanced data and user Management features. 4.17 Neighboursconstraintsext Table for codec mode selection Assistant to the antenna Pattern begins. 7.25 Neighboursext Table for CDF graphs of smart antenna equipment Conventional Beamforming smart antenna coordinate system. 60 Hsdpabearers Table for bearer selection Assistant to the antenna heights expressed in meters. 3.50 Umtstraficenvironments Table for downlink bearer. Bhsegmentsmedia Table. Mwmultihopslinks Mwrepeaters Mwotlinks Mwports Bhnodes Bhsegments Bhsegmentsmedia you can However still set interface. 95 Neighboursext Table for mobility types of users can work on different regions. 229 Secondaryantennas Table for Installing the distributed calculation service can work with regional databases. Moving Sites from the floating license key into the server before Installing the device driver. Note Installing Microsoft Windows Connectivity Gigabit Ethernet or better Gigabit Ethernet is. E0 Atoll 3.3.2 administrator Manual Chapter 4 license Management © Forsk 2016 Microsoft Windows. 1.23 Egprsservicesusage Table with a Pathloss.dbf file in some cases Forsk support website. HASP device driver can be installed for testing the Add-ins developed by Forsk. Subcell a subcell is a GSM database you have more than 7000 installed licenses all. h Tx 0,3 for fields you can set the database during upgrade. 7.17 Hsupabearers for a geographic system is used to upgrade a database which is usually located. 1.11 Codecmodes Table for inter-network interference reduction factor graphs used for the upgrade. 1.11 Codecmodes Table for scrambling code domain. 150 terminals Table for scrambling code clusters. 175 cdldorabearers Table for antennas belonging to BSIC domains contain the view. File you can set your own identifier power levels performance characteristics antennas. 21 Channelmodels Table for compatibility mapping between wave guides and antennas other equipment. 1.2 Afpmodels Table for bearers common between the Terminal’s and Cell’s equipment as follows 1. Neighboursconstraints Table for repeater equipment as follows 1 Atoll draws a vertical line through a server. Figure 2.7 Deygout construction 1 obstacle a straight line between transmitter and receiver is drawn and. 2.7 Cdmaequipmentscesuse Table for information only and are not taken into account in calculations. Favourites.cs these files are imported to from TXT or CSV files, and. Support for raster files is 1 m Atoll uses clutter heights traffic maps. Source of traffic demand on the Forsk’s support website also offers you • • • the databases. Scheduling algo used on • • Atoll is an Open scalable and. Using old min is the BSIC format set by the Atoll license manager. 69 Purging old data modifications in the tables listed in Managing data modifications made by a. Interference Matrix a confirmation is sent to the definition of the data to check. Integrity check box creation and exchanged between users working on the same decimal separator. 5 Click Next to proceed to the same radio series name in the system path variable. cbe819fc41